Perfkit Benchmarker contains set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings. The benchmarks use defaults to reflect what most users will see. PerfKit Benchmarker is licensed under the Apache 2 license terms.
Google Cloud IAP for Remote Desktop is a plugin for Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager that allows you to connect to VM instances via Cloud IAP TCP Tunneling. - GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-windows-rdc-plugin The token appears in each of the Cloud Function config.json files and the Cloud Scheduler job. This will be supplied in the messages from the Cloud Scheduler and used to validate the message against the configuration values. Google Cloud Platform plugin for Eclipse. Contribute to GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-eclipse development by creating an account on GitHub. Your private Kubernetes Service, with a public endpoint - inlets/inlets-operator searching for names in files received from SIC. Contribute to teamshadi/sic-namecheck development by creating an account on GitHub.
Tools to secure Google Cloud Platform The gcloud-gce-deployment script is meant to be run from a Local bash client using the google-cloud-sdk. It will prompt for information to create a template, a GCE instance using the template, a regional storage bucket, and adds the required… 6 Ways to Transfer Files in Google Cloud Platform . Learn the different methods to trans files to Google Cloud Storage, Google Compute Engine and local computer To download the public key file from Cloud Shell click More more_vert, and then click Download file. Full documentation is available from It comes pre-installed on Cloud Shell and you will surely enjoy its support for tab-completion. SSH configuration files can be configured using gcloud compute config-ssh. Google Cloud IAP for Remote Desktop is a plugin for Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager that allows you to connect to VM instances via Cloud IAP TCP Tunneling. - GoogleCloudPlatform/iap-windows-rdc-plugin
Terraform with Ansible usage examples. Contribute to silazare/terraform-ansible development by creating an account on GitHub. You can also download the Cloud SDK, configure it, and run the command-line tool gcloud from your local command environment. builder/docker: Now supports Download so it can be used with the file provisioner to download a file from a container [GH-2585]. Instructions for using the CLI to deploy Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Some notes to share Platform Automation for PKS and PAS on GCP Using Control Tower Concourse - odedia/pivotal-platform-automation-gcp CLI for launching and managing binder server processes - binder-project/binder-control
The gcloud-gce-deployment script is meant to be run from a Local bash client using the google-cloud-sdk. It will prompt for information to create a template, a GCE instance using the template, a regional storage bucket, and adds the required…
cd ../client-files/ gcloud compute scp --zone "us-central1-f" kubelet.service mock-device:/tmp # note you might need to generate GCP SSH keys if this is the first time gcloud compute scp --zone "us-central1-f" mock… Find complete information for uploading files from local computer to google compute virtual machine. Use gsutil to download the newest files in the bucket to the CircleCI artifacts folder. Be sure to replace Bucket_NAME and Object_NAME with project-specific names. Stay on top of the latest release notes for each CoreOS Container Linux Channel. Make machine deployment a breeze with our software version information. Test, build, push (to DockerHub) and deploy a long running "hello-world" Docker Image to Google Compute Engine (gce). - JeffDeCola/hello-go-deploy-gce Copying Google Cloud Storage objects to Google Drive - amiteinav/gcs-to-gdrive
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